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A.O.R x Less is More身體護理組合: 送給家人朋友極佳的農曆新年禮物🎁!⁣ BEYORG 店舖和網站都提供免費農曆新年禮品包裝服務!   

A.O.R x Less is More身體護理組合: 送給家人朋友極佳的農曆新年禮物🎁!⁣ BEYORG 店舖和網站都提供免費農曆新年禮品包裝服務!

1/ Less is More 溫和植萃補濕沐浴露⁣
充滿植物萃取以及親膚性極高的沐浴露, 有助放鬆身心, 摒除雜念和煩惱的思緒。 可以刺激皮膚再生, 使皮膚變得有如天鵝絨般柔軟。 沐浴露的配方非常溫和, 適合所有皮膚類型及兒童每天使用。⁣⁣
2/ A.O.R 長效滋潤身體乳霜⁣
富含金銀花和玫瑰果油等滋潤萃取物, 可為皮膚底層提供24小時長效滋潤, 預防皮膚乾燥, 並維持皮膚的補濕屏障。 此外, 乳霜還有助皮膚回復彈性, 給皮膚帶來舒適柔軟的觸感。⁣⁣

A.O.R x Less is More Bodycare combo: an excellent Chinese New Year gift 🎁 for families and friends!⁣ Complimentary Chinese New Year gift wrapping service available at all Beyorg stores and online!

1/ Less is More Body Wash⁣
Indulging bath & shower gel based on plant-based and very skin-compatible cleansing agents, helps to relax and clear the mind. It stimulates skin regeneration and give a wonderfully velvety, soft skin feeling. Mild enough for daily use. Suitable for all skin types and children.⁣⁣

2/ A.O.R Moisturising Body Cream⁣
Enriched with nourishing extracts of honeysuckle flower and rosehip oil, this body cream delivers 24-hour moisture to the deep layers of the skin, safeguarding it against dryness and supporting its moisture barrier. Also restoring elasticity, this cream leaves skin with a comfortably supple feel.⁣⁣⁣
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