又一城 >   BEYORG 有機無限     >

Ogaenics德國全天然營養補充品-100% 全素、 純天然、 有機。 產品以更濃縮方式被身體吸收, 健康效果可以媲美依靠進食有機食物而吸收的維他命。⁣   

Ogaenics德國全天然營養補充品-100% 全素、 純天然、 有機。 產品以更濃縮方式被身體吸收, 健康效果可以媲美依靠進食有機食物而吸收的維他命。⁣

身體所有細胞都需要維他命B12才能正常運作。 缺乏維他命B12會引致疲勞、 虛弱、 貧血和各種心理症狀, 當中亦包括肌肉無力和皮膚的色素沉澱。 維他命B12對神經系統也非常重要, 其中一項主要功能為製造DNA以幫助新細胞生長。 為了防止缺乏維他命B12, 你可以從飲食中增加攝取量, 例如服用有機的營養補充品-Ogaenics植物性維他命B12。 ⁣

Natural Food Supplement from Germany – 100% vegan, natural and organic. The healthy effect of Ogaenics supplements in the body can be compared to eating organic food but in a much more concentrated form.⁣

All cells in the body need vitamin B12 to function normally. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause fatigue, weakness, anaemia and psychological symptoms, including muscle weakness and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Vitamin B12 is also very important for the nervous system and one of its main functions is to produce DNA for the growth of new cells. To prevent deficiencies, it may therefore necessary to increase dietary intake as a preventive measure – for example, in the form of organic food supplements like Ogaenics Green Energy.⁣

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