又一城 >   Amaroni’s     >

【AMARONI’S 防疫措施】確保每一張枱都有起碼1.5m距離,客人進入餐廳用餐前,需配合測量體溫。   

【AMARONI’S 防疫措施】確保每一張枱都有起碼1.5m距離,客人進入餐廳用餐前,需配合測量體溫。餐廳職業員更加倍提高警覺,提供您最安心的用餐環境,是我們的責任!Amaroni’s 同大家共同抗疫,努力,加油! Amaroni's is taking precautions to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our customers and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We assure that there would be at least a 1.5m distance of each dining table; we ask to quickly take the temperature for every dine-in customers as they enter.