又一城 > Amaroni’s >
E?無見一排,💁♂🤷♀肥左又瘦左喔!!!🤣🤣睇來你要來Amaroni’s 試下我地個全新Premium Seafood menu!🦞🦀🐟🦑小編雖然未試過曬全部。
E?無見一排,💁♂🤷♀肥左又瘦左喔!!!🤣🤣睇來你要來Amaroni’s 試下我地個全新Premium Seafood menu!🦞🦀🐟🦑小編雖然未試過曬全部。。。但係值得一提既係。。。。個Seafood Lasagna !! 🤤🤤人生真係未食過咁好食既Lasagna…..真係無得輸! ❤❤❤
OH, hi? It has been awhile.. Since June hhahah! WELL here we are with our Premium Seafood menu!! Come give it a try! Personally,, I would have you to try out our Seafood Lasagna…. SPEECHLESS
~I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet...
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless~~ 展开
OH, hi? It has been awhile.. Since June hhahah! WELL here we are with our Premium Seafood menu!! Come give it a try! Personally,, I would have you to try out our Seafood Lasagna…. SPEECHLESS
~I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet...
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless~~ 展开