又一城 >   Amaroni’s     >

新年快樂!🐷🐷恭喜發財!! 🎊🎊🎉🎊今年除了有不同類型套餐,適合男女老幼,朋友家人之外,Amaroni's 仲邀請到財神來餐廳同大家拜個早年!   

新年快樂!🐷🐷恭喜發財!! 🎊🎊🎉🎊今年除了有不同類型套餐,適合男女老幼,朋友家人之外,Amaroni's 仲邀請到財神來餐廳同大家拜個早年!👏🏼👏🏼🖐🏻👋🏻記得9/2 晚上7:00-9:00, 記住係初五晚上!!

到時見!😻😻 Happy New Year!!!! Gong Hay Fat Choy!! Come to Amaroni's and celebrate the Year of Pig with assorted CNY special menu AND!! the Goddd of Fortune is coming to Amaroni's on the night of 9 Feb!! remember 9 Feb from 7:00 - 9:00!!! See you there!