【三步塑造好氣色妝容】 即使少了化妝,偶爾也要花點心思,讓若隱若現的好氣色成為眼神停駐的焦點!想快速打造自然好氣色妝容,先使用自然亮采持久氣墊粉底 SPF50 PA+++輕鬆完成透亮無瑕底妝,再以日常百搭雙色眼影 #Isolde,打造大地色系的攝人眼妝。最後配以帶有金色珠光的蜜桃紅 #Orgasm 的Afterglow 潤唇膏,為雙唇添上水嫩亮澤的粉嫩色彩,簡單三步給日常造型點綴出藏不住的閃亮好氣色,是 #NARSissist 化妝袋中的必備美物! 全新自然亮采持久氣墊粉底Afterglow銀色限定盒現已登陸NARS網店,同時更推出期間限量氣墊粉底套裝禮遇,切密錯過!... 遇上你的Afterglow銀色限定氣墊粉底:festivalwalk
【三步塑造好氣色妝容】 即使少了化妝,偶爾也要花點心思,讓若隱若現的好氣色成為眼神停駐的焦點!想快速打造自然好氣色妝容,先使用自然亮采持久氣墊粉底 SPF50 PA+++輕鬆完成透亮無瑕底妝,再以日常百搭雙色眼影 #Isolde,打造大地色系的攝人眼妝。最後配以帶有金色珠光的蜜桃紅 #Orgasm 的Afterglow 潤唇膏,為雙唇添上水嫩亮澤的粉嫩色彩,簡單三步給日常造型點綴出藏不住的閃亮好氣色,是 #NARSissist 化妝袋中的必備美物! 全新自然亮采持久氣墊粉底Afterglow銀色限定盒現已登陸NARS網店,同時更推出期間限量氣墊粉底套裝禮遇,切密錯過!... 遇上你的Afterglow銀色限定氣墊粉底:festivalwalk
Inspired by the “Flower Power” movement of the late 1960’s to early 1970’s coined by beatnik poet Allen Ginsberg. Embracing the symbolism with embroidered flowers and colors in nature, rejecting conventional society, advocating love, peace and simple idealistic value. Dreams of peace and the power of love reflected in this season’s collection. Taking a unique approach with an emphasis on
Inspired by the “Flower Power” movement of the late 1960’s to early 1970’s coined by beatnik poet Allen Ginsberg. Embracing the symbolism with embroidered flowers and colors in nature, rejecting conventional society, advocating love, peace and simple idealistic value. Dreams of peace and the power of love reflected in this season’s collection. Taking a unique approach with an emphasis on
◤激活肌底免疫力💪肌膚全面 Level UP!◢ 除了要捍衛身體的免疫力,肌膚健康都不能忽視!SHISEIDO 皇牌免疫力精華 Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate 以蘊含靈芝精華及鳶尾根精華的革命性免疫再生技術 ImuGeneration Technology™️,激活肌膚自身免疫力,1.3X 有效對抗衰老因素*,徹底KO一連串泛紅敏感、粗糙等問題#,讓肌膚得到深層滋養,重現年輕水潤光澤💫。 再以 SHISEIDO 皇牌眼部免疫力精華 Ultimune Power Infusing Eye Concentrate 重點呵護脆弱眼周肌膚,透過獨家免疫補濕複合物,讓肌膚得到極致的補濕效果,增強眼周肌膚免疫力,徹底改善眼周粗糙、黑眼圈、皺紋等各種眼肌煩惱❤️!... 提升肌底免疫力:festivalwalk
◤激活肌底免疫力💪肌膚全面 Level UP!◢ 除了要捍衛身體的免疫力,肌膚健康都不能忽視!SHISEIDO 皇牌免疫力精華 Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate 以蘊含靈芝精華及鳶尾根精華的革命性免疫再生技術 ImuGeneration Technology™️,激活肌膚自身免疫力,1.3X 有效對抗衰老因素*,徹底KO一連串泛紅敏感、粗糙等問題#,讓肌膚得到深層滋養,重現年輕水潤光澤💫。 再以 SHISEIDO 皇牌眼部免疫力精華 Ultimune Power Infusing Eye Concentrate 重點呵護脆弱眼周肌膚,透過獨家免疫補濕複合物,讓肌膚得到極致的補濕效果,增強眼周肌膚免疫力,徹底改善眼周粗糙、黑眼圈、皺紋等各種眼肌煩惱❤️!... 提升肌底免疫力:festivalwalk
Nearly 50 years ago, a style icon was born. Defined by purposefulness — Mr. Lauren transformed a shirt worn by elite polo players and stamped it with a Polo pony. Since then, the emblem has become so identified with the man that it has often stood in for his name. Today, #PoloRalphLauren's ever-classic embroidered Polo player is a symbol recognized around the world.... Rediscover the iconic Polo shirt via link:
Nearly 50 years ago, a style icon was born. Defined by purposefulness — Mr. Lauren transformed a shirt worn by elite polo players and stamped it with a Polo pony. Since then, the emblem has become so identified with the man that it has often stood in for his name. Today, #PoloRalphLauren's ever-classic embroidered Polo player is a symbol recognized around the world.... Rediscover the iconic Polo shirt via link: