M&S Food
我們極盡精緻的朱古力餅乾禮盒由比利時大師精心炮製,每件充滿令人一試難忘的榛子夾心和馬達加斯加雲呢拿,讓人忍不住在聖誕前就整盒吃光呢!🍪😍✨ 快來門市選購吧! Made by master Belgian biscuiteers, our chocolate biscuit pearls are filled with roasted hazelnut praline and Madacascan vanilla. Perfect for Christmas – or those all important taste-tests ahead of the big day. Pick up at your nearest M&S Foodhall now!...
我們極盡精緻的朱古力餅乾禮盒由比利時大師精心炮製,每件充滿令人一試難忘的榛子夾心和馬達加斯加雲呢拿,讓人忍不住在聖誕前就整盒吃光呢!🍪😍✨ 快來門市選購吧! Made by master Belgian biscuiteers, our chocolate biscuit pearls are filled with roasted hazelnut praline and Madacascan vanilla. Perfect for Christmas – or those all important taste-tests ahead of the big day. Pick up at your nearest M&S Foodhall now!...