Crafted with the most glamourous materials: multi-coloured crystals, pearls, beads & silk satin, the new debut ‘Sparkling Milee’ trendy hairbands guarantee to spice up your everyday look with its flair! 髮上煙花綻放: AZ以顏色百變的水晶、珍珠金屬片一針一線全人手工釘在絲絹上,拼撞出宛如煙花的’Sparkling Milee’髮箍系列,讓您散發傾心醉人的閃爍光芒! 關注AZ最新動態:...
Crafted with the most glamourous materials: multi-coloured crystals, pearls, beads & silk satin, the new debut ‘Sparkling Milee’ trendy hairbands guarantee to spice up your everyday look with its flair! 髮上煙花綻放: AZ以顏色百變的水晶、珍珠金屬片一針一線全人手工釘在絲絹上,拼撞出宛如煙花的’Sparkling Milee’髮箍系列,讓您散發傾心醉人的閃爍光芒! 關注AZ最新動態:...