The Night Market
#Didyouknow all our Xishi mangoes🥭 are naturally-ripened making them super sweet and sumptuous😋. Each one is handpicked by farmers and shipped directly to #thenightmarket😆 #你知道唔知道 我們的#西施芒果 都由台南果農悉心栽種🥭及揀選,每個都是經過自然熟成後空運直送到港,所以它才如此美味如此矜貴😋。還不快點到 @thenightmarkethk 品嚐😆 訂購表格Order Form: festivalwalk
#Didyouknow all our Xishi mangoes🥭 are naturally-ripened making them super sweet and sumptuous😋. Each one is handpicked by farmers and shipped directly to #thenightmarket😆 #你知道唔知道 我們的#西施芒果 都由台南果農悉心栽種🥭及揀選,每個都是經過自然熟成後空運直送到港,所以它才如此美味如此矜貴😋。還不快點到 @thenightmarkethk 品嚐😆 訂購表格Order Form: festivalwalk