10/10 HOPE
#全新會員制度 感謝各位長期以來對10/10 HOPE的喜愛與支持,為帶給顧客更完善的體驗,10/10 HOPE會員制度將於2019/11/06 整併轉換為全新10/10 FRIENDS會員計畫。 舊有會員將會自動成為10/10 FRIENDS一分子! 全新10/10 FRIENDS會員計畫打通10/10 HOPE,10/10 SPACE,Neal’s Yard Remedies及Le Labo品牌,於香港及台灣實體店櫃門市與官方網站消費均可累計消費點數及消費金額,還可不定期享有優惠或贈點活動。... 快來關注10/10 LINE或WeChat官方帳號,成為10/10 FRIENDS吧! -
#全新會員制度 感謝各位長期以來對10/10 HOPE的喜愛與支持,為帶給顧客更完善的體驗,10/10 HOPE會員制度將於2019/11/06 整併轉換為全新10/10 FRIENDS會員計畫。 舊有會員將會自動成為10/10 FRIENDS一分子! 全新10/10 FRIENDS會員計畫打通10/10 HOPE,10/10 SPACE,Neal’s Yard Remedies及Le Labo品牌,於香港及台灣實體店櫃門市與官方網站消費均可累計消費點數及消費金額,還可不定期享有優惠或贈點活動。... 快來關注10/10 LINE或WeChat官方帳號,成為10/10 FRIENDS吧! -
Ciao Chow
Let's celebrate Thanksgiving! You'll certainly be grateful for a slow-roasted turkey, complete with house-made traditional sides; including mashed sweet potato, seared brussels sprouts, roast carrots, asparagus with cherry tomatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey jus gravy. Available from 28-30 November 2019.... Order as individual portions or to share:
Let's celebrate Thanksgiving! You'll certainly be grateful for a slow-roasted turkey, complete with house-made traditional sides; including mashed sweet potato, seared brussels sprouts, roast carrots, asparagus with cherry tomatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey jus gravy. Available from 28-30 November 2019.... Order as individual portions or to share:
"Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord will make the U.S. the only nation in the world not to be part of the agreement. There is no confusion: Climate denial and inaction is putting our health, prosperity and communities at risk. Fortunately, the formal withdrawal from the Paris Accord cannot become effective until November 4, 2020 – one day after the next Presidential election, when we must seize the opportunity to lead by example."
"Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord will make the U.S. the only nation in the world not to be part of the agreement. There is no confusion: Climate denial and inaction is putting our health, prosperity and communities at risk. Fortunately, the formal withdrawal from the Paris Accord cannot become effective until November 4, 2020 – one day after the next Presidential election, when we must seize the opportunity to lead by example."