由再生材料和天然橡膠製成,完美的結合 🌳♻️🌍💪🏻
從鞋帶到鞋底,AIGLE第一款可持續性時尚設計的橡膠休閒鞋正式推出啦! Flawless composition. From the shoelace to the sole. Our team is proud to introduce the new AIGLE Rubber Sneaker, made of recycled materials and natural rubber!... Discover Now: #AigleRubberSneaker #AiglePositiveImpact #AStepForward 展开
從鞋帶到鞋底,AIGLE第一款可持續性時尚設計的橡膠休閒鞋正式推出啦! Flawless composition. From the shoelace to the sole. Our team is proud to introduce the new AIGLE Rubber Sneaker, made of recycled materials and natural rubber!... Discover Now: #AigleRubberSneaker #AiglePositiveImpact #AStepForward 展开