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#AIGLEStripeStory 剛剛過去的星期六, Rosanne Wong帶埋兩位仔仔以一身橫間親子裝,   

#AIGLEStripeStory 剛剛過去的星期六, Rosanne Wong帶埋兩位仔仔以一身橫間親子裝,參加AIGLE Stripe Pizza Making Party,慶祝亞洲限定版CHANTEBOOT STRIPE橡膠靴的推出。 何思諺 leanne ho Retro Tom及仔仔杜杜,更與同場一班星級靚媽小朋友們,以橫間元素製作美味的Pizza 🍕! #AIGLEStripeStory Last Saturday, Rosanne teamed up with her two boys to join the AIGLE Stripe Pizza Making Party which celebrate the launch of the Asian limited edition CHANTEBOOT STRIPE Rubber Boots. Leanne, Tom and Japser,together with a group of celebrities' moms and kids, made delicious pizza with the elements of stripes! Such a memorable experience for all of us! Again, thanks for coming! #aigleboots #aiglemoments