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【輕食滋味】🍛泰式黃咖哩雞飯、迷你沙律🥗 生活匆匆忙忙,又想食得美味健康?   

【輕食滋味】🍛泰式黃咖哩雞飯、迷你沙律🥗 生活匆匆忙忙,又想食得美味健康?

【五月新品】泰式黃咖哩雞飯🍛,採用了泰國進口黃咖哩醬,再混合18種不同香料調配出獨特泰式滋味!香濃咖哩配以豐富雞肉及薯仔,再加上兩款迷你沙律:火腿薯仔沙律及仿蟹柳沙律🥗 令你食得滋味又有營!... [May new launch] Thai Curry Chicken Rice🍛 is made with authentic yellow curry sauce imported from Thai, mixed with 18 different spices, creating a true Thai taste. Enjoy with two mini salads: Ham and Potato Salad & Crab Stick Salad🥗 Such a tasty and health meal! #A1Bakery #A1BakeryGroup #Deli #Lunch #Dinner #Curry #輕食 #咖哩 #午餐 #晚餐 展开