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年輪蛋糕嘅外表像不規則樹皮,內裡就包含著一層層精心烤製的年輪蛋糕,其揉合新鮮雞蛋🥚,香味相當濃郁,口感軟滑柔綿,縈繞舌尖嘅曼妙滋味。 No Christmas is complete without Baumkuchen which is very popular as a souvenir or gift during Japanese Christmas day. Its round layered shape that resembles the rings of a tree trunk meaning perfection, happiness and longevity. Baumkuchen tastes richly sweet and spiced-infused flavours that is a feast for the taste buds.
官方Instagram【Official IG】: a1bakeryhk
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