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【推介の人气新品登場】傳統日式聖誕蛋糕 🎂   

【推介の人气新品登場】傳統日式聖誕蛋糕 🎂

迎接普世歡騰嘅聖誕節🎄,又點可以缺少聖誕蛋糕呢! A-1 bakery Group推介の人气新品登場👉由日籍師傅親自設計嘅傳統日式聖誕蛋糕🎂: 白雪祭「士多啤梨雜果蛋糕」及「聖誕樹頭卷蛋」,兩款設計相當精緻富趣味性,而且充滿繽紛嘅聖誕色彩💞。蛋糕嘅質感鬆軟細密再配上軟滑綿綿嘅法國忌廉,味道既香濃又純滑🤎、口感層次充滿啖啖驚喜。
想過一個歡欣喜慶嘅聖誕節✨,記住提早訂蛋糕喇!早鳥優惠仲有1️⃣1️⃣日,要買就要快啲嚟喇📣📣! ...
Christmas is fast approaching. No Christmas is complete without a wonderful classic Christmas cake. A- 1 bakery is launching a classic Christmas cake - Snowy Celebration (Strawberry & Mixed Fruits Cake) and Blissful Log cake, which is colorful homage to the Christmas.
“Strawberry & Mixed Fruits Cake” contains health and prosperity meaning that giving you a happiness life after having eaten it in future year. The smooth texture of Blissful Log cake is filled with pleasant egg-scented. Each bite goes with a peace and happiness life.
Early-bird Christmas promotion is still 11 days left. Come and grab one while stocks last.
網店預訂【Click & Collect E-shop】: 官方Instagram【Official IG】: a1bakeryhk
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