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又名青花魚的鯖魚屬於洄游魚類,肉質肥厚緊實,油脂豐美,身帶淡淡粉紅色,當中以福井縣出產的鯖魚為日本最高級別。千両職人以爐火純青的刀功,將原條鯖魚製成厚切刺身,每一口都是鮮味脂味的完美平衡,回味無窮,讓人無法自拔。 ($268/份)... 【Winter Seasonal Menu: Mackerel Sashimi】
Mackerel from Fukui Prefecture are at the highest grade in Japan. It belongs to the migratory fish and also known as saba. It has firm texture and greasy so it is perfectly served as sashimi. Sen-ryo Shokunin sliced the mackerel thickly under the flawless knife skills makes diners satisfied in every single bit after tasting this succulent, tender, and fatty mackerel. ($268/set) #福井県 #福井縣 #越前がに #よっぱらい鯖 #越前そば #羽二重餅 #越前蟹 #越前蕎麥麵 #富山県 #ToyamaFood #富山 #立山 #黒部 #北陸 #シロエビ #ホタルイカ #石川縣 #金澤 #白山 #加賀 #能登 展开