【送健康比媽咪🥰】雀巢佳膳益生/適糖9折優惠! 媽咪每日都用心照顧我哋👩🏻💕就趁今個母親節送份健康比佢啦!雀巢®佳膳® 益生含L.P. 乳酸益生菌及PREBIO 1™益菌生纖維,配合多種維他命及礦物質,有助支持免疫力💪🏻!臨床證實,每日飲兩杯含益生菌營養品🥛有助減低感染達41%*,維護上呼吸道健康❣ 由即日起至5月9 日 嚟屈臣氏門市/網店買雀巢®佳膳® 益生/適糖,有9折優惠 🤩!...
快啲買番幾罐比媽咪啦🛒💨 bit.ly/3ujVijw #hkwatsons #WatsonsHealth #屈臣氏網店 #MothersDay
*Bunout D et al. Effects of a nutritional supplement on the immune response and cytokine production in free-living Chilean elderly. J Parenteral Enteral Nutr 2004; 28; 348-354 展开
快啲買番幾罐比媽咪啦🛒💨 bit.ly/3ujVijw #hkwatsons #WatsonsHealth #屈臣氏網店 #MothersDay
*Bunout D et al. Effects of a nutritional supplement on the immune response and cytokine production in free-living Chilean elderly. J Parenteral Enteral Nutr 2004; 28; 348-354 展开
Published Date:5/5/2021 6:00:52 AM From:Facebook
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