【玩具“反”斗城 慈善禮品包裝服務🎁♥️】
【Charity Gift wrapping Service at Toys”R”Us🎁♥️】 用一份愛心令今個聖誕節過得別具意義🎅🏽 !玩具“反”斗城為大家提供慈善禮品包裝服務💝,顧客只需憑玩具“反”斗城收據正本,捐款最少$10💰至「Make-A-Wish 願望成真基金」即可。今個聖誕一齊送禮兼行善,將節日喜悅傳遞俾更多社會上有需要嘅小朋友👦🏻👧🏻🌟!... Give a meaning Christmas gift to your family and friends🎅🏽 ! This Christmas, our charity gift wrapping service💝 will offer you a way to share your faith and generosity. Simply present the original Toys”R”Us receipt and make a Christmas donation of at least $10💰 to Make-A-Wish Hong Kong. Your donation would bring the joy of festive to the kids in need👦🏻👧🏻🌟! #toysrushongkong #MakeAWish #giftwrapping #donation #charity #Christmasgift #uniquepresent 展开
【Charity Gift wrapping Service at Toys”R”Us🎁♥️】 用一份愛心令今個聖誕節過得別具意義🎅🏽 !玩具“反”斗城為大家提供慈善禮品包裝服務💝,顧客只需憑玩具“反”斗城收據正本,捐款最少$10💰至「Make-A-Wish 願望成真基金」即可。今個聖誕一齊送禮兼行善,將節日喜悅傳遞俾更多社會上有需要嘅小朋友👦🏻👧🏻🌟!... Give a meaning Christmas gift to your family and friends🎅🏽 ! This Christmas, our charity gift wrapping service💝 will offer you a way to share your faith and generosity. Simply present the original Toys”R”Us receipt and make a Christmas donation of at least $10💰 to Make-A-Wish Hong Kong. Your donation would bring the joy of festive to the kids in need👦🏻👧🏻🌟! #toysrushongkong #MakeAWish #giftwrapping #donation #charity #Christmasgift #uniquepresent 展开
Published Date:12/6/2019 9:59:59 AM From:Facebook
Click to see the detail information of Toys “R” Us at Festival Walk.