Festival Walk > THE NORTH FACE >
“FUTURELIGHT面料能隨身而動,讓你感受不到它的存在。它能夠跟隨你的肢體動作,讓你舒適行動,不必與面料‘對抗’,不會感到拘束。”—— Angel Collinson
#thenorthfacehk #FUTURELIGHT
“FUTURELIGHT moves the way you want it to. The type of material that makes you forget it’s there. It moves for you and with you, instead of against you, or making you feel like you have to fight it.” Words and skiing by Angel Collinson.
#thenorthfacehk #FUTURELIGHT
“FUTURELIGHT moves the way you want it to. The type of material that makes you forget it’s there. It moves for you and with you, instead of against you, or making you feel like you have to fight it.” Words and skiing by Angel Collinson.
Published Date:12/13/2019 5:00:02 AM From:Facebook
Click to see the detail information of THE NORTH FACE at Festival Walk.