Festival Walk > THE NORTH FACE >
全新FUTUTRLIGHT面料旨在征服嚴酷的戶外環境。可以滿足如Angel Collinson和Nick McNutt這樣專業高山滑雪運動員的需求。
全新FUTUTRLIGHT面料旨在征服嚴酷的戶外環境。可以滿足如Angel Collinson和Nick McNutt這樣專業高山滑雪運動員的需求。 FUTUTRLIGHT面料是一種真正能保持內外乾爽的革新科技。
#thenorthfacehk #FUTURELIGHT
Designed to meet the serious demands of big-mountain athletes, such as Angel Collinson and Nick McNutt, looking to conquer deep snow and steep lines in the backcountry, our FUTURELIGHT™ fabric is a truly revolutionary way to stay dry inside and out.
#thenorthfacehk #FUTURELIGHT
Designed to meet the serious demands of big-mountain athletes, such as Angel Collinson and Nick McNutt, looking to conquer deep snow and steep lines in the backcountry, our FUTURELIGHT™ fabric is a truly revolutionary way to stay dry inside and out.
Published Date:11/20/2019 10:29:57 AM From:Facebook
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