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【渣打捐贈手提電腦 助200基層兒童停課不停學】   

【渣打捐贈手提電腦 助200基層兒童停課不停學】

就算世界停,香港人都唔會停。疫情令學校持續停課,好多學校都改為網上教學,但係基層學生屋企未必有足夠嘅電腦設備,令學習困難重重。為咗讓小朋友可以繼續learn from home,渣打特別捐出200部再生手提電腦畀香港明愛,轉贈畀有需要嘅家庭。 咁有意義嘅事,我哋IT部門嘅同事當然義不容辭加入成為義工,兩日內火速將電腦重新安裝好,仲摺起衫袖幫啲電腦進行徹底清潔同消毒,確保送到小朋友手上嘅電腦都係乾乾淨淨。... 雖然疫情令大家保持距離,但係阻隔唔到守望相助嘅心。為幫助社會上弱勢社群共同抗疫,我哋除咗有義工同事幫忙社福機構包裝防疫物資,今個月仲透過社聯派發咗總共近80萬個口罩畀有需要人士。希望大家攜手走出危機,共度時艱。 【Standard Chartered donates laptops to support continuous learning for 200 underprivileged children】
Even if the world comes to a stop, Hong Kongers will keep on going. Following the suspension of schools all around due to the ongoing pandemic, many have resorted to hosting classes online – a dilemma for students from low-income families that lack adequate resources. To help these children continue to learn from home, Standard Chartered has partnered with Caritas-Hong Kong to donate 200 of our recycled laptops to different low-income families. All this was made possible by our I.T. department, who in two days worked tirelessly preparing all the computers, even taking the time to disinfect every single one of them! Though we may have distanced ourselves from one another physically, it is more important now than ever that we are there for each other. Because if we are to overcome this pandemic as a society, we must support its least fortunate members, which is what some of our colleagues admirably did this past month. Through the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, a group of us volunteered to pack and speed up the 800,000 distribution of face masks to those in need in March. As we truly believe that even though these are difficult times, we can come out of it stronger together! #齊心抗疫 #身體健康 #渣打義工 #停課不停學 #LearnFromHome #EmployeeVolunteering #HereForGood #StandardCharteredHK See more