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【渣打承諾提供750億美元融資及業務支援 支持可持續發展目標】   

【渣打承諾提供750億美元融資及業務支援 支持可持續發展目標】

成日聽人講「可持續發展目標」,到底係啲咩?根據聯合國解釋,可持續發展目標呼籲全世界共同消除貧困、保護地球、改善所有人嘅生活同未來。 渣打作為有社會責任嘅銀行,一直致力於此,更承諾喺2024年底前:
・為可再生能源和清潔技術項目(太陽能與風能)提供350億美元嘅項目融資服務、併購諮詢及債務結構設計服務 除咗全力支持客戶轉型至低碳經濟,我哋更計劃於2030年前減少我哋全球物業嘅碳排放,希望僅從可再生嘅渠道獲取能源,以及持續推行節能措施,實現淨零排放嘅目標。 而家冬天越嚟越熱,正係全球暖化日趨嚴重嘅現象。希望大家一齊努力減低碳排放,為保護地球出一分力! 想知我哋點支持可持續發展目標?立即入嚟了解更多:bit.ly/385B4OK 【Standard Chartered commits USD75bn toward Sustainable Development Goals】
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? According to the United Nations (UN), the SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives of everyone, everywhere. At Standard Chartered, we are very clear on our obligations to society and by the end of 2024, we commit to:
・Providing USD40 billion of project financing services for infrastructure that promotes sustainable development
・Providing USD35 billion of project financing services, M&A advisory and debt structuring services for renewables and clean-tech projects (solar and wind) Apart from supporting our clients in transitioning to a low-carbon economy, we also intend on reaching net zero emissions by 2030. To reduce our carbon footprint, our plan is to cut emissions across our global properties by only sourcing renewable energy, while adopting more energy efficient measures. Find out how else we’re committed to a greener economy in our Sustainability Aspirations: bit.ly/385B4OK #可持續發展 #低碳經濟 #HereForGood #StandardCharteredHK 展开