【no.1* 抗氧化潔顏油 帶來三重綠色潔顏力量】 Anti/Oxi+ 綠茶抗氧化潔顏油採用三合一綠色配方,蘊含木瓜精華、辣木精華及綠茶精華,為您徹底卸除防水彩妝,同時高效抗氧化,擊退引致暗啞的污染物 (包括 PM2.5 微粒),連續使用讓肌膚更有光澤,更透亮! 了解更多:festivalwalk #shuuemura #shuCleansingOil #beyondcleansing #shuuemurahk #no1cleansing #no1潔顏專家 #AntiOxi #綠茶油
*No.1 make-up remover in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore. Based on sales amount: “Asia 7 markets consolidation – Selective Distribution Full Year 2018 Report” (Copyright ©2019 Beauté Research SARL). 展开
*No.1 make-up remover in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore. Based on sales amount: “Asia 7 markets consolidation – Selective Distribution Full Year 2018 Report” (Copyright ©2019 Beauté Research SARL). 展开
Published Date:8/10/2019 4:59:58 AM From:Facebook
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