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全線Rigby and Peller 的品牌已登陸Private Shop,加強陣容的 Private Shop 會繼續為女士們提供更全面的貼身呵護,日後請密切留意 Private Shop 以獲得品牌最新資訊! 🔸🔹VIP 會員計劃及積分🔸🔹
現有 Rigby & Peller VIP 會員及積分計劃已轉為Private Shop名下,歡迎蒞臨各Private Shop門市了解更多。... 【Latest Updates】
Rigby and Peller’s signature brands are now available at Private Shop, making it more comprehensive for the ladies at a one stop shop. Stay closely updated here and on our Facebook page Private Shop to receive the latest news and secret deals! 🔸🔹PRIVATE SHOP MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM🔸🔹
The Rigby & Peller and Private Shop membership programs have been combined. Come check out the details at our stores about your privilege. #PrivateShopHK #RigbyAndPellerHK
銅鑼灣利園二期一樓 122 號舖
銅鑼灣崇光百貨 2 樓
尖沙咀國際廣場 105 號舖
澳門新八佰伴 4 樓 Locations:
Shop 122, 1/F, Lee Garden Two, Causeway Bay
2/F, SOGO Department Store, Causeway Bay
Shop 2118, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui
Shop 105, iSQUARE, Tsim Sha Tsui
Shop UG-41, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong
Shop 120, Pioneer Centre, Prince Edward
4/F, New Yaohan, Macau 展开