Festival Walk > Pacific Coffee >
Pacific Coffee首推植物製Impossible™漢堡!知道大家都注意健康飲食,特意研發了這款滋味又環保的輕食 — Impossible香濃肉醬芝士漢堡。
Pacific Coffee首推植物製Impossible™漢堡!知道大家都注意健康飲食,特意研發了這款滋味又環保的輕食 — Impossible香濃肉醬芝士漢堡。以全植物製造卻100%叫人回味的創作,勢必成為健康一族的新寵!由今天起,到Pacific Coffee即可嚐到「不可能」的滋味!
*全線Pacific Coffee分店有售 Pacific Coffee is proud to announce that we are adding an "impossibly delicious" plant-based option to the menu! We have created The Impossible™ Bolognese Cheese Burger, which is the perfect light meal. Come and try this burger that is not only good for you, but good for the planet too!
*Available at all Paci...fic Coffee in Hong Kong Impossible Foods See more
*全線Pacific Coffee分店有售 Pacific Coffee is proud to announce that we are adding an "impossibly delicious" plant-based option to the menu! We have created The Impossible™ Bolognese Cheese Burger, which is the perfect light meal. Come and try this burger that is not only good for you, but good for the planet too!
*Available at all Paci...fic Coffee in Hong Kong Impossible Foods See more
Published Date:4/29/2020 4:00:41 AM From:Facebook
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