“When someone we love has cancer, we are all affected. This is our effort in the fight against cancer.” - Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren has a legacy of fighting cancer in underserved communities. With the Pink Pony campaign, we continue the fight against cancer on a global stage by supporting programs for screening, early diagnosis, treatment, education, and patient navigation. It all began in 1989 when Ralph Lauren discovered that his dear friend and fashion editor Nina Hyde had... been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her story inspired Mr. Lauren to make a commitment to focus his philanthropic efforts on improving care for this devastating disease by cofounding the Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research. Since 2000, Pink Pony’s mission has been to reduce disparities in cancer care and ensure that access to quality treatment is available to everyone at an earlier, more curable stage. This year, our Pink Pony campaign welcomes those touched by cancer to share their stories and build a community of hope, inspiration and support. At Ralph Lauren, we believe that when we come together in the battle against cancer, we are all stronger together, too. Let’s Talk About Cancer. Share Your Story: #PinkPony Photo © Estate of Barbra Walz Learn more about the campaign: See more
Published Date:10/2/2019 10:24:25 AM From:Facebook
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