Festival Walk > Marks & Spencer >
M&S全新健康小食系列為您帶來不少無麩質美食,例如士多啤梨乳酪米餅,以舖滿冷壓士多啤梨粒的乳酪醬包裹着無麩質全穀麥米餅,讓您盡情享受。我們的高纖燕麥棒則充滿營養,香脆可口,令大人小朋友都難以抗拒!😋 ✨ 馬上到M&S門市或流動應用程式選購各種健康小食: M&S’s new range of healthy snacks offers gluten-free options, such as our delicious Yogurt & Strawberry Rice Cakes 🍓, made of 6 wholegrain brown rice cakes covered by yogurt-flavoured dried-strawberry coating. Our full-of-flavour oat bars are even high in fibre and fantastic in other nutritional benefits, with its irresistible... crunchiness loved by adults and kids. 😋 ✨ Shop our healthy snacks in-stores or on M&S Hong Kong App at now. #MarksandSpencer #MandSHK 展开
Published Date:5/20/2021 12:00:28 AM From:Facebook
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