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Tips to Keep Corona Virus at Bay 正值傳染病高峰期,大家記得每天消毒鞋子,避免把病毒帶回家!
Remember to disinfect your shoes every day to keep corona virus at bay!... 入屋前需先脫鞋
Take off your shoes before entering your home 於門口放置1:99漂白水濕地布消毒鞋底
Clean the sole of your shoes with a damp cloth with 1:99 diluted household bleach at the door 用肥皂或梘液徹底洗手及或以酒精搓手液清潔
Wash your hands with soap or hand wash and/or a hand sanitiser 避免穿涼鞋、拖鞋及綁帶鞋外出,減少將街上細菌帶入屋
Avoid going out in sandals, flip-flops or lace-ups #Joypeacehk
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