【答問題 贏Joy & Peace X Mickco 時尚插畫Tee 得獎名單】 感謝各位參與早前所舉辦之遊戲。恭喜以上得獎者,請於5月24日或之前,將你的姓名及手提電話號碼Inbox給我們,我們將會發出短訊通知領獎詳情。 Thank you for everyone's participation in our latest facebook campaign and congratulation to all the winners! All winners please send us an inbox message on or before May 24th 2019 with your full name and mobile number. You will receive a SMS message about the prize collection arrangement.... 探索更多 Explore more: www.joy-peace.com
Instagram: joypeacehk
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Instagram: joypeacehk
www.instagram.com/joypeacehk 展开
Published Date:5/17/2019 9:59:57 AM From:Facebook
Click to see the detail information of Joy & Peace at Festival Walk.