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【滙豐FinFit 101 - 網絡安全🔐你又有幾Cyber Smart?】   

【滙豐FinFit 101 - 網絡安全🔐你又有幾Cyber Smart?】

人人都上網,唔通人人都識注意安全?唔講唔知,原來每1,000個人入面,有56%經歷過網上詐騙情況,當中29%每人平均損失大約HK$2,811!點解我哋會知?因為滙豐今年二月做咗一項大型市場調查,訪問咗超過1,000人了解佢哋對網絡安全嘅認知度,並演算出「Cyber Smart」網絡安全指數,由知識、行為及態度三部分組成,希望可以提升大家嘅網絡安全意識,成為Cyber Smart一族! 今年香港整體網絡安全指數平均為72.6分 (滿分為100分),只有8.5%受訪者各項評分超過80分,可以稱為Cyber Smart,能更好保護自己遠離網絡詐騙。
騙徒嘅手法真係層出不窮啊!你有冇信心成為下一個Cyber Smart網絡用家?繼續留意我哋嘅Facebook專頁,將會有更多有關網絡安全嘅資訊!
#滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #CyberSmart #網絡安全指數 #注意網絡安全 #掌握網絡安全資訊 #時刻保持警惕
* 以上數據資料,取自滙豐網絡安全指數調查2020.... 【HSBC FinFit 101 - Cyber Security🔐How Cyber Smart Are You?】
Everyone is surfing the internet, but not everyone is mindful of their network security when browsing! Shockingly, in every thousand netizens, 56% have encountered scams, of which 29% of them have lost an average of 2,811 HKD! How do we know this? Because in early February, HSBC conducted a large-scale research with over 1,000 respondents to assess and understand the public’s aptitude on cyber security and built a Cyber Smart Index. The study’s evaluation was based on three components, including knowledge, behaviour and attitude. This is created in the hopes of making everyone more aware of cyber security!
This year, the Hong Kong public scored an average 72.6 points (out of 100 points). Notably, about 8.5% of participants in the study scored over 80 points, earning them the title of network security elites! Cyber criminals are always coming up with new ways to scam! Want to become a Cyber Smart user? Stay tuned to our page for more cyber security tips!
#HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #CyberSecurityIndex #CyberSecurityAwareness #CyberSecurityTips #StayAlert
* Data taken from HSBC Cyber Security Index Suruvey 2020
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