#滙豐 #五十元新鈔 #蝶舞花間 #二十元新鈔 #一家茶敘 【HK$50 and $20 Banknotes are Now Available!】...
HSBC proudly introduces the all-new designs of HK$50 and $20 banknotes! The HK$50 concept is “Butterfly and Flowers”, portraying an iconic flora and fauna scene in Hong Kong and hence reminding all of us to treasure the surrounding environment at our best. The $20, themed as “Tea Gathering”, illustrates an everyday scene of family “yum cha” gathering. Check if you’ve got any of these new banknotes when unpacking your red packets!
#HSBC #HK50Banknote #ButterflyandFlowers #HK20Banknote #TeaGathering 展开
#滙豐 #五十元新鈔 #蝶舞花間 #二十元新鈔 #一家茶敘 【HK$50 and $20 Banknotes are Now Available!】...
HSBC proudly introduces the all-new designs of HK$50 and $20 banknotes! The HK$50 concept is “Butterfly and Flowers”, portraying an iconic flora and fauna scene in Hong Kong and hence reminding all of us to treasure the surrounding environment at our best. The $20, themed as “Tea Gathering”, illustrates an everyday scene of family “yum cha” gathering. Check if you’ve got any of these new banknotes when unpacking your red packets!
#HSBC #HK50Banknote #ButterflyandFlowers #HK20Banknote #TeaGathering 展开
Published Date:1/14/2020 3:00:20 AM From:Facebook
Click to see the detail information of HSBC AND PREMIER CENTRE at Festival Walk.