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滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃今年踏入10週年,計劃總受惠人次已經超過600萬,充分展現滙豐對社區嘅關懷同支援!自2012年開始,計劃同本地社福機構緊密合作🤝,而香港明愛、環保協進會、香港青年協會、香港遊樂場協會、東華三院、香港基督教女青年會等機構更加係我哋連續10年嘅夥伴,衷心感謝各個參與機構嘅付出,及社聯多年來負責管理和監督所有撥款項目。 💕 今年適逢滙豐銀行慈善基金40週年,滙豐再次向計劃投入3,600萬港元,而計劃將以「並肩前行」為主題,繼續支持本港嘅社福機構,同香港社區一齊互相支持,走出「疫」境!✨... #滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2021 #滙豐 #未來技能 #身心健康 #並肩前行 【The HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme celebrates 10th anniversary!🎉】
The HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme (CPP) celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. In close collaboration with HKCSS and local NGOs since its launch in 2012, the Programme has supported a wide array of projects that reached over 6 million beneficiaries. In this special occasion, we want to thank our long-standing partners🤝 , including Caritas Hong Kong, Environment Association, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Hong Kong Playground Association, Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals and Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association. 💕 Supported by the Hongkong Bank Foundation 40th Anniversary special donation, CPP 2021 will focus on the theme of “Moving Forward” and continue to help people navigate the immediate fallout from COVID-19 and assist their recovery. We look forward to supporting the further development of Hong Kong’s vibrant communities.✨ #HSBCHKCommunityPartnershipProgramme2021 #HSBC #FutureSkills #WellBeing #MovingForward 展开