Festival Walk > H&M >
同您一齊創造更可持續發展♻️嘅時尚未來!我哋首部喺瑞典斯德哥爾摩門市設置嘅舊衣再生系統🧵⚙️已經誕生,從此家中過時同唔合身嘅舊衣物都可以輕鬆變成當季時尚單品。即刻見證呢個神奇又療愈嘅舊衣再生過程▶️ Let's remake and create a better fashion future♻️. Introducing the world's first in-store recycling system🧵⚙️ turning old garments into new in Stockholm. Never again will your unwanted clothes be seen as waste. From now on, they are a resource! Check this magical transformation process out now▶️ #HMConscious #SustainableFashion #jointherecyclingrevolution
Published Date:10/21/2020 4:09:57 AM From:Facebook
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