Festival Walk > H&M >
📺煲完劇好想飛返轉巴黎✈️漫步浪漫之都?雖然而家唔可以立即成行,但您可以即刻襯返個小資版法式造型止吓心癮,喺微涼秋日發掘吓呢個城市一啲滿載🏰🥐歐陸特色嘅角落。今日就到門市或上 hm.info/61894KieS 搜羅一系列女裝及Divided最新款式!
That Paris trip ✈️ you've been dreaming of might not happen soon, but you can give your wardrobe a French twist without breaking the bank - savour the breezy weather and rediscover hidden gems locally with a European vibe. 🏰🥐 Shop the latest ladies' and #HMDivided styles today in stores or at hm.info/61894KieS ! #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMShopOnline
That Paris trip ✈️ you've been dreaming of might not happen soon, but you can give your wardrobe a French twist without breaking the bank - savour the breezy weather and rediscover hidden gems locally with a European vibe. 🏰🥐 Shop the latest ladies' and #HMDivided styles today in stores or at hm.info/61894KieS ! #HMhongkong #HMmacau #HMShopOnline
Published Date:10/31/2020 4:02:57 AM From:Facebook
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