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【加入Impact Kommons 初創新點子締造雙贏】 DBS 同新世界集團旗下 Eureka Nova 再次合作,   

【加入Impact Kommons 初創新點子締造雙贏】 DBS 同新世界集團旗下 Eureka Nova 再次合作,作為 Social Impact Partner,全力支持 #加速計劃 Impact Kommons,希望同更多初創攜手善用創新科技,同時成就商業及社會效益! Impact Kommons Cohort 2 已經開始接受報名喇,參與初創有機會接觸唔同合作伙伴,擴闊營商網絡,發掘更多商機,並同時以實踐 #聯合國可持續發展目標 為理念,令企業同社會共享雙贏!...

報名期至10月19日,期待你嘅加入,一齊為社會 #展出大意義! 報名詳情: 【Start-ups to create a win-win situation? Join us in Impact Kommons!】 DBS is delighted to join forces as the Social Impact Partner with the accelerator programme Impact Kommons (powered by Eureka Nova, a New World Group member). Impact Kommons aims to create a window for transformation for start-ups and ecosystem partners to make measurable social and business impact in order to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Participating start-ups can have a chance to get in touch with potential partners, while exploring opportunities for co-creation and co-commercialization. To participate in Impact Kommons Cohort 2, apply now! The application deadline is October 19. Apply here: #DBS
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