Festival Walk >   Citibank (Hong Kong)     >

依家stay home都可以安心又安全咁bank smart!要好好保護個人資料。   

依家stay home都可以安心又安全咁bank smart!要好好保護個人資料。提提您,Citi唔會主動致電要求您提供一次性密碼、卡號碼、CVV驗證碼、私人密碼、網上銀行登入賬戶或者密碼。仲有呀,為咗避免您嘅戶口 / 信用卡有被人盜用嘅風險,千祈唔好向任何人透露呢啲資料呀! Stay safe, stay vigilant and bank smart. Protect your personal information. Citi never calls asking for your OTP, Card Number, CVV, PIN, Internet Banking User ID or Password. To prevent unauthorized access to your account/credit card, never share these details.