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Day after day, our heroes on the frontlines show up for us.   

Day after day, our heroes on the frontlines show up for us. Now, we can come #TogetherAtHome to honor them. Tune in for an event filled with your favorite entertainers to support COVID-19 relief efforts. Learn more Global Citizen: www.globalcitizen.org/togetherathome 呢段日子,我哋嘅抗疫英雄始終無懼疫情,謹守崗位。#TogetherAtHome 雲集全球最受歡迎嘅演藝界代表,一齊為前線醫護人員打氣,你點可以唔支持?立即關注 @Global Citizen www.globalcitizen.org/togetherathome