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花旗香港作為香港銀行公會會員,支持佢哋同YMCA合作嘅「YOL青少年意見領袖培訓計劃」。呢個計劃讓基層家庭嘅中小學生喺專業團隊支持下獲得相關培訓同埋製作以青少年生活為主題嘅12集短片,其中包括理財教育、家庭關係、義工服務、環保等,歡迎收睇。 【Support HKAB’s Project YOL】
Citi Hong Kong, as a member of the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) supports “Project YOL (Youth Opinion Leader)” organized by HKAB and Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong. With professional production support, Project YOL provided related training to primary and secondary students from grassroots families and encouraged them to produce 12 videos on various themes in youth living. Themes covered financial education, family relationships, volunteering, environmental protection etc. Enjoy watching the videos.