DBS Treasures Centre
【#抗疫同行 DBS數碼途徑支援慈善機構】 疫情下DBS集合各方力量,齊心為社會 #展出大意義 。 Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金 係一間為社會基層提供健康熟食嘅慈善機構,喺疫情下流失七成熟食捐贈!眼見Foodlink急需各界善長支持,DBS圑隊提議Foodlink增設快捷方便嘅數碼捐款途徑,例如 #DBSOmni ,以及利用 #FPS 配合推出QR Code 收集捐款,成功協助Foodlink喺短時間內鼓勵更多有心人支持善舉!DBS員工聯同客戶更贊助超過2萬個 #食品包 ,為弱勢社群打打氣。立即睇片,了解更多DBS點利用科技喺「疫」境中傳遞關愛! #DBS...
【#抗疫同行 DBS數碼途徑支援慈善機構】 疫情下DBS集合各方力量,齊心為社會 #展出大意義 。 Foodlink Foundation 膳心連基金 係一間為社會基層提供健康熟食嘅慈善機構,喺疫情下流失七成熟食捐贈!眼見Foodlink急需各界善長支持,DBS圑隊提議Foodlink增設快捷方便嘅數碼捐款途徑,例如 #DBSOmni ,以及利用 #FPS 配合推出QR Code 收集捐款,成功協助Foodlink喺短時間內鼓勵更多有心人支持善舉!DBS員工聯同客戶更贊助超過2萬個 #食品包 ,為弱勢社群打打氣。立即睇片,了解更多DBS點利用科技喺「疫」境中傳遞關愛! #DBS...
Joyce Beauty
【Intensive skin detox】 Give your skin a good detox with potent clarify face masks! When it comes to congested skin, breakouts or dullness, there are a number of active ingredients that help draw out impurities deep inside the pores, as well as shedding dead skin cells to restrain future flare ups: sliver, bamboo charcoal and mandelic acid are all powerful ingredients to eliminate bacteria and toxins, while gently exfoliate and rejuvenate our skin for a smooth and flawless res
【Intensive skin detox】 Give your skin a good detox with potent clarify face masks! When it comes to congested skin, breakouts or dullness, there are a number of active ingredients that help draw out impurities deep inside the pores, as well as shedding dead skin cells to restrain future flare ups: sliver, bamboo charcoal and mandelic acid are all powerful ingredients to eliminate bacteria and toxins, while gently exfoliate and rejuvenate our skin for a smooth and flawless res